Extend the Story - Add a Room

+untitled+ by khfreak14

Water. It glowed a nasty green-ish color as it surrounded my body. Test tubes and needles floated about, holding other strange liquids.

My strangely silver/white hair floated to and away from my pale face. My abnormal yellow eyes remained shut, but the surrounding area could not keep its physical secrets.

"Almost time, my dear," the voice was muddy and choked through the almost-soundproof, chemically discolored liquid, but it was audible. "Only a little longer…"

A small groan made its way through my throat and bubbled through the water, slowly and visibly. To finally be out of that cell! "Ngh…" my voice only echoed off the tightly hugging liquid about me and whispered back in a morphed voice.

My eyes, they slowly opened, revealing the glowing yellow irises that even reality itself couldn't decipher and explain.

A pale face stared back into them, what, blonde [?] hair falling to the sides of it. He occasionally looked down, wrote a few scribbly notes down, then would look back up at his creation.

"I sure do hope this comes out the way as planned…" the last few words managed to squeeze their way through the liquid and into my ears. "Wait, what?!!" I thought, watching the figure scurry away into another room. I was tempted to yell after him, but knowing that my screams would only come slapping back, choked and twisted into a voice that would be unfamiliar yet known…

I only stared at his shadow that would eventually disappear, my palms pressed to the glass and my mind yearning more knowledge than what I didn't already know…

/End flashback/
3 years later, she's let out of the containment cell
End Of Story

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