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Your Company by hep0005
You opened your eyes.
"Sergeant Patterson. I am Major Newborn, and this is Kernel Tyno. We hear that you were betrayed by one of us?" Said Mjr Newborn.
You tried to sit up but the pain in your chest became excruciating to bear so you stayed lying.
"Yes Major," You told him.
"We were betrayed by a British Soldier. A man of the 23rd Company. He said he was Private Benjamin," you explained.
"Private Benjamin said he was going to call in reinforcements. As I asked what he was doing away from his company, he stood up and the Germans stormed in. He put a bullet to my chest as you can obviously see and I don't remember anything else."
"Well thank you for your time Sergeant Patterson. We will leave you to get your rest. You will be going home this afternoon. Good day."
"NO!" You yelled at Mjr Newborn and Knl Tyno.
"I am not leaving Friege. I have a job to do and I will do it. I will not go back home because of some injury. I will recover and I will get back out into the field."
"With all due respect, Sergeant..."
"I AM NOT GOING HOME!!" You yelled.
"As you wish," Replied Knl Tyno, and Knl Tyno and Mjr Newborn left the Medical facility.
6 Months Later
End Of Story

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