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Interactive Rain's Shadow by newbornbutterfly
Images come flashing back to you, no, not images, memories....

You were walking, in the street, it was late afternoon and the sky was cloudy. You heard a noise and turned towards it, there was an alleyway nearby. You listened intently and were just about to walk away when you heard it again, a whimper.

Somebody was in trouble. You didn't hesitate, you ran to the alley. There was a girl, timid and crying. He was going to kill her, so you attacked him... Then he shot you and you fell to the ground, crumpled, bleeding, dying.

The rain started, washing your blood off the road in streams, stinging your skin. Everything became a blur.... And then what?

'Oh god! I died!' you start freaking out remembering that you died soon after he shot you.

-Relax, you're alive, don't you see? You're alive right now!- a soft voice, firmly stating you're alive.
Continue shouting about how you died
End Of Story

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