Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Can it be that it was all so simple then?

You've still got plenty in the clip, so fuck it..lets have at it.

You raise your gun and return fire. The goon, suddenly loosing his balls dives behind a garbage bin for cover.

"Dont hide you pussy, come out and fight!" you yell and you send a barrage of bullets in his direction.

He returns fire blindly around the corner of the bin.

You let out a loud yell and fall to the pavement, gun in hand, one eye open, waiting for the dumbass to fall for it.

Sure enough, he sheepishly peeks from behind the bin, showing just enough skull for you to remove it. One shot is all it takes, and his skull is gone.

Exhausted, you lay there, your life giving blood draining onto the wet pavement. You look up in the sky begging God for a cigarette.

The answer to your prayers is not quite that. A bright white light enters your field of vision out of the corner of your eye. Its gets brighter and brighter until it is all that you see. You feel a sense of calm as if you are leaving the world behind. Your thoughts are foggy and you are loosing consciousness, but you feel at peace...

until the ass end of a banged up BMW crashes into the side of your head. The last thing you see is a slender ankle in a white reebok classic, step out of the drivers seat. Mei always loved those reebok classics...

End Of Story