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Warlords: Strategic Conquest

//////////////////////////////////////////////////[STATUS BOX]//////////////////////////////////////////////////
////Treasury: 100 yuan {-75} ///////// Army: Small (-25)/////////////////////Masses: Low {-25}
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////Workers: Low (-25)/////////////////Buddhists: High
You donate a large chunk of funds to the temple. The high monks are overjoyed by your generosity and invite you to the nearest monastery for a lavish conversion ceremony. Facing a bronze idol of Buddha and lit red candles, you chant newly learned Buddhist hymns alongside monks in saffron colored robes. The monks compliment your devotion and spread word of your piousness far and wide.

Back home however, your subjects deride you for throwing your precious yuan away currying favor with foreigners. The Masses, angry that you did not help them with their repairs, decide to give their support to other warlords. While it is nice to be liked by foreigners, you are not yet powerful enough to attract them to your kingdom, so they remain merely subjects of other warlords.

Without the Masses' base of support, your realm remains susceptible to sabotage. One nearby warlord raids your grain silo and pilfers the winter's supply of rice. Another burns an armory of your troops' weapons.

One night you are awakened by loud noises outside your sleeping tent. You open the door to see what is happening and see your personal bodyguards being cut down by a group of assassins. You recognize several peasants among them.

"Your death will be quick. Commander Wan is a merciful man," the one closest to you says as he chops your head off as a trophy for their leader.
End Of Story