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The Curse by razman
This is going too far. You bolt for the door. It gets closer and closer. Freedom is is only a few feet away. Then, you stop in your tracks. She's caught you. Completely naked, she has a tight grasp on your wrist.
"Okay, I'm sick of this. I'm gunna punish you one last time, but then I'm leaving you to Kim." She states with a rather pissed expression on her face. With a hard tug, you are pulled towards her wardrobe. You try to get her to release her grip, but nothing works. She opens the large wooden door and pushes the clothes aside, revealing two pairs of iron manacles. She pins you to the wall and clamps your hands above your head before restraining your legs also. You watch in despair as you are left in the dark behind the locked doors. You hear Cindy yell for her associate after a couple of seconds.
"Yes, Cindy." You hear moments later.
"This bitch, in the wardrobe, clearly didn't learn her lesson last time she was in the Male Quarters, so I think another few hours in there is in order. After that, she's all yours."
"No problem. I'll straighten her out." She emphasized her and directed it towards your oak prison. The door of the wardrobe creaks as it is opened. There stand the two girls; a pissed-off Cindy and a pretty cheerful Kim. "Come on, girl!" She says with a bright grin. "Oh, whats your name?" She asks.
"Daniella." Cindy answers for you. You drop your head in shame at the sound of that name. Kim unlocks your manacles and leads you from the room.

You feel cold all over and light headed as the cold metallic room from your previous punishment. As you reach the door, you stand in your place obediently, although, for the most part, it due to fear that you aren't moving. She stand beside you as she opens the door. She lays her hand on your maid-style top and begins to speak.
"Let's give those boys something to look at." With that she rips it off and drops it on the floor. You gasp and cover yourself in disgrace. "Relax. You have nothing to be ashamed of." She moves you arm and returns it to the side of your body. "These are perfect. It is some of our finest work. They are ours. All of ours, including yours. You can't change that. They will always be with you. Even if you leave this place, your own body will be the terrible memory of what happened here. Deal with it." She pinches your bum and winks before shoving you inside the dark room. "Knock yourselves out, guys!" She locks the door, leaving you kicking and screaming in an attempt to escape and prevent what is to come.

The door is sealed and there is no chance to get away from these men lusting for sex. They pin you down and share your body. They grab your hair and shove your face into their crotch. One pinches your nose, leaving you gasping for breath through your mouth. They seize this opportunity by forcing their penis' into your mouth. They begin to push your head back and forth, over and over, rapidly. A white, creamy liquid spurts from their hard, stalk-like flesh and trickles from your mouth. They penetrate you repeatedly and, more often than not, your vagina is breached by two of the intruding objects at once. Thrusting continuously, the men laugh at your misfortune and their pleasure. They tear at you and your warm, salty blood trickles from the gashes they leave and the liquid also drips slowly from your slit. Others grab at your body whilst they wait. Your tits are pinched and bitten and your ass is harassed also, by nipping, rubbing, and on the rare occasion, you feel a sharp pain in your rear where one of your rapists has intruded on you from behind and 'entered through your back door'. You wail and cry continuously as the strangers molest you. Although this was supposed to be 'pleasurable' it is every level of hell in a single room. You let out whines and screams after every thrust as the fight over you. The pain, the blood, the constant groping and the overall sexual harassment is too much. After minutes of coping, it becomes overwhelming and you black out.

You come to as you feel your body dragged along the floor. Kim has her arms wrapped round your shoulders and she seals the door after you both exit.
"Ain't you a sight for sore eyes. Your nipples are looking sore too. They sure took a liking for your tits! Well, they are ripe for the picking, eh?" She smiles and drags you to another room.

You awake after passing out a second time on a bed, still naked.
"Huh? What h-happened?" You mumble.
"You don't remember? You were raped, quite badly, actually." Kim leans over you. Examining your breasts, she gasps. "Wow! They've bruised a lot! I've gotta hand it to ya, you sure are randy to please so many men at one sitting." She jokes. She turns her vision further down your body and poke at your vagina. You hiss as she prods, over and over.
"Aaahh..Stop..please.." You plead.
"Aww..You don't like it? You're gunna have to get used to things around here if you keep pissing 'her' off like that." She prods it particularly hard. You flinch and whine, trying to hold in tears. She slips her finger into you and you let out a moan. She then adds another finger and opens you up, splitting your wound made from the multiple intrusions at once. You hiss louder still and a tear drips from your face.
"Ooohh..Your gunna have to start taking the pill if you keep this up. You're lucky your ovaries haven't formed proper yet, 'cos other wise you'd be pregnant right now. Imagine you as a mum! God, your kids would be messed up, especially if you keep getting laid!" She continues to tease you and remind you of your punishment. You turn away, trying to ignore her. "See. This is why you keep getting your vagina handed to ya!" She giggles to herself. "But seriously, don't ignore me. I'm more creative than Cindy and more attractive, if I do say so myself." She flutters her eyelashes and runs her fingers through her shoulder-length, black hair.
"I didn't ask to be here, you know. I didn't ask for any of this shit to happen to me. I have a right to be pissed!" You raise your voice.
"This is what I mean, no wonder Cindy got bored of ya, and stop swearing! It isn't right for a young girl to use profanities like that."
"I'm no girl! I-" You are cut off by Kimberly.
"Look at yourself. I'm going back on what I said just now but, for fuck's sake, you have tits, quite a fine pair actually, and a twat, a hairless, already-used, twat. By the way, you are such a slut for losing your virginity within 24 hours of your transformation." You turn away again and begin to sob to yourself.
"Turn around and look at me now!" She yells. You stay in your place. "I'm not kidding, you had better look me in the eye or I'm gunna..okay, deep breaths..I can do this without yelling." She begins to speak to herself and you just throw the covers over yourself and try to get some sleep. "We'll finish this once you've gotten your tight, little tushy outta that bed once you've rested. G'night." She switches off the light and leaves the room.
Raid her wardrobe for some clothes and explore this place.
End Of Story

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