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Albus Potter Year 1 by KCbell
Albus walked in, and saw that Scorpius spotted him. He was about to say something when James used a spell on Scorpius. Scorpius couldn't talk, at least for that time being. But then James got called to the front of the train. It was probably for using spells outside of school.

"Now I'm going to get expelled," James managed to say before he was taken into the front of the train to have a talk. So Albus headed back to the compartment he was in.

"Rose, Albus said. "James may be expelled."

Both Rose, and Kellen gasped. "Oh my God." They said. "He can't be." "What did he do?"

"He just simply shut up Scorpius." "He used a spell, he didn't even mouth it." "He just moved his mouth, and pointed his wand at Scorpius." "I bet he'll go complain to his father Draco."

Twenty minutes had passed, then James came out smiling. "I'm not expelled." He said, "I'm just limited to using spells in school for the first two weeks." "I'm just allowed only a spell a day in the first week, and two spells a day in the second week."

The trolly came by, and asked if anyone wanted anything. Albus told them he'll pay for it.

He was deciding what to get.
Every Flavor Beans
End Of Story

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