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Chronicles of a Baby-Smuggler by FreeThinkingAsshole
You step out into the silent night and shiver. The interstate is completely devoid of all traffic, and the crickets aren't even chirping. Weird.

You awkwardly search through your key ring in search of the one that will unlock the trunk. You say a silent prayer, hoping to God your cargo hasn't been damaged. Luckily, they haven't. Though the bulges in their diapers remind you that it's probably time you changed them. All in good time. You slam the trunk shut and go over the passenger side of the car to check on the Pope.

And the Pope is gone! But you could swear you just saw some orange sparkly-looking things in the very same spot just a second ago. You gulp and then mull over your options...so now what, genius?
Stay with the babies and wait for the next passing car (while crossing your fingers and hoping that it's not the cops).
End Of Story

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