Extend the Story - Add a Room

The Man by Cab
The same thought permeates your entire being as you run at light speed to the front door: "Get out, I must get out of this place." Your mind is set on replay; your thoughts giving the same command over and over again, and your heart races.
Finally, you have reached the front door. "Thank God," You say aloud. Your voice bounces and echos off every wall in the Mansion entrance as you fumble with the locks, attempting to get yourself out of there, and fast.
"What the hell?" It can't be! The door is stuck fast, and it will not open despite your yanking on the knob. "This...this cannot be happening to me. Not now!"
The sound of footsteps behind you is immediately brought to your attention. Turning away from the door momentarily, you discover that the strange man from your basement is a mere five feet away from where you stand. What do you do now?
You turn back to the door, and begin kicking it with all your strength.
End Of Story

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