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Another Monday Morning

You sing with your best voice as you skip gracefully through the huge mighty fire.

"Why do you mock me! Why do you persist to live with the fact that you were created to PERISH here!"

Still, you pay no attention and continue to skip through the raining fireballs, the fire and the whispering winds that are now whipping you. You chant a slow love song from some singer you hardly pay attention to. Youve become a whole concert, the wind your instruments, and the fire your back-up dancers.


And with that the figure silhouette disappears. You sigh in relief, and stop your singing and pathetic skipping. You continue to walk through the amazing fire that continues to burn everything in it's path. Everything is ablaze. Being naked in a fire isn't all that bad, and, strangely enough, the fire doesn't touch you, as if an invisible force is pushing the fire away.

After hours of walking through this tensifying flame, you come across a huge dark complex that reaches above the limits of the cloudless sky. It takes up an enormous amount of space, and you're doubtless that it's full of howling and screaming people being eternally tortured. The fire has also ended where the path has ended, to an open space where the only route is huge dark gates, with gold in the middle, which you presume is the lock. Engraved in it, is the word 'SATAN.' You never thought he had even existed. But, here you are, in the land of Hell.

Do you venture forth?
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