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"Check your gear, we land in 5 minutes!" Alex announced as he checked the inside of his rifle barrel for dirt or residue. David adjusted his sight on his rifle as Bernice loaded a clip into her pistol.
"We're now entering the atmosphere," Morgan said as she checked her weapons. Alex sat down at the controls, guiding the craft through the rather thin ozone layer of the planet. After a minute of shaking, they passed through a thick white cloud on the dark side of the planet as the sun disappeared over the horizon. Bernice and Morgan grabbed hold of two hand holds on the ceiling as the ship sped down toward the planet's surface of lakes and forests. Alex followed his scanner's readings and guided the ship toward a small patch of dimly lit trees.
"Alright, we've entered the fly zone of Beta Base, and they're trying to contact us," David said as he picked up the comm.
"This is CEL Base Beta contacting unknown flight. Do you copy? You have entered a restricted zone. Disperse immediately or you will be fired upon," came a voice over the radio.
"Roger, Base Beta, we copy," David said, throwing Alex a sarcastic look. He placed the mic. back on the hook and turned towards the cockpit, looking out of the glass. Alex barrel-rolled and flew low over the base, punching the throttle up to full. The Black Sun fighter created a sonic boom and a cloud of vapor in the night sky, and the base lit up with red lights and, Alex guessed, sirens.
"Welcome to the jungle," Morgan said quietly as the fighter slowed down and circled. Alex found a large clearing and started landing the ship.

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