Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.


Loose Ends

There are 19 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
18360 Wait for Jack to get to the stairs 8822
18361 Go outside to the surface 8822
18362 Find the rest of the squad 8822
18367 Find the rest of the squad 8825
18922 Go outside the base to search 9085
21016 Make a run to the door and take out the guards 10001
21017 Run down hallway and open fire 10002
25237 Avoid squads and infiltrate base 11732
25239 Avoid squads and infiltrate base 11733
27652 Engage oncoming squads to lower threat level 12950
27765 Search for more weaponry 13013
27933 Take on squads to lower threat level 13094
27934 Avoid squads and infiltrate base 13095
27935 Take on squads to lower threat level 13095
43946 Take out the lights and lookouts 20918
43947 Make a run to the door and take out the guards 20918
88867 Take out the guards on the tower 44424
88869 Head deeper into the base 44425
88870 Get to the building and look for stairs downward 44425