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The Island of Destiny

"Forget the both of you!" you shout in frustration. "What kind of parrot knows how to talk anyway? I must be losing my mind!"

Both the parrots watch you with eyes wide open as you turn around and stomp off in an unknown direction into the jungle. I'll find my own way off this island, you stubbornly think.

But unfortunately, hours pass and you have encountered nothing but wilderness. You notice it is getting dark now and you will eventually have to find some place to sleep for the night, because with every passing moment you are losing more and more faith in finding an escape from this island. Or even possibly civilization...

The incident with the parrots creeped you out earlier, but somehow you were able to somewhat block that from your mind. In fact, incredibly enough, you have actually convinced yourself that it was just your imagination that was making the parrots talk to you! However subconsciously you know this is not the case, you feel somewhat content with that knowledge at hand.

It is now almost pitch-black and you are standing in the jungle alone. Very alone. You honesly wish there were more sounds of the animals right now, because you are starting to get creeped out bad. You continue to walk slowly, but by now you really have no idea where you are going. You are almost inclined to just stop where you are, lay down, and sleep, but for some reason you still find that notion a little bit too primitive for your tastes.

All of a sudden, you see a light off in the distance. Taking a few eager steps towards it, you see that it is a flame, presumably from a torch. Obviously you feel inclined to go investigate the source of ths flame, but before you notice one odd observation.

What color is the flame?

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