Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

The Island of Destiny

"Well, if you can talk and I'm not just going crazy..."

The bird winks again and you see that it's smiling.

"Then how do I get off this island?" you ask.

The bird laughs. It's really odd and sort of chilling actually. "If all you want to do is go home, then follow me!"

After it says this, it starts to flap its wings and takes off into the air, soaring above the jungle trees. It flies forward and shouts "Come on!"

You follow it for a while, keeping your eyes peeled to the sky while racing along with it.

You are then stopped a minute later by a mysterious voice that shouts "Over here!"

You stop dead in your tracks and look around. Your bird friend doesn't notice and flies onward. You see now in surprise that the voice was coming from a blue parrot nestled on a tree branch.

You walk over to it. "Did you just talk to me?" you ask, knowing that it will reply back.

"Yes, I did," the bird said warmly. "Now listen, it you're wanting to get away from this place, do not follow that red parrot. His name is Jarra and he is a troublemaker."

You look at this bird in surprise. You can also tell by the voice that this is a lady parrot, which explains why her voice is so soothing.

"Follow me instead," she then says with a mysterious glint in her eye(or was it mischievious?). "My name is Maren."

You look up in the sky and see the red bird flying back. "What are you doing?" Jarra calls. He then sees Maren.

He swoops down and lands on a different branch. "Oh no, don't trust her," he warns. "She's a bad one."

Well, which parrot will you follow? This whole idea is starting to become ridiculous.
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