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The Pattern

Darrell studied the children all tucked into their seats. The headsets were designed so that they wouldn't be aware of his ability to listen in. All he had to do was look bored and not turn to look at the speaker when one of them spoke. They would assume he was just another transport liaison like those in the cars. It would give him his first real glance at his "dream team."

Willow had been the first to arrive, blond hair dancing on the wind. He had angelic features. He had an aura unlike any child Darrell had ever met the boy radiated peace and harmony and good will. He was quite simply the most fascinating being Darrell had ever come across. Darrell knew he would be just perfect for the Pattern, and if he were as easy going as he appeared, the Pattern would be just as perfect for him. Willow had dirty feet and he'd obviously been playing outside before he'd been obtained. Darrell thought Willow could have been a changeling as of stories from old and wondered if it would be possible to arrange for replacement children to replace the prodigies he needed. Taking a pen he jotted the note down.

Rozamond had come next. He'd been briefed on the status of her maid. He'd made the call to have her sent to the Location. What happened next would depend on her. Rozamond seemed extremely agitated at the lost of the woman, and he thought she might be doing the infamous "pee pee"dance. Her strawberry blond head bobbed back and forth as she moved from foot to foot. She was way over dressed for the weather, but soon it wouldn't matter. She looked like a doll he had seen on the shelf one Christmas. Rosy lips, pink cheeks, porcelain skin, she looked fragile, but he had noticed the limp on her driver. Karate was a relatively rare skill for a girl to bring to the Pattern, AND she was a ballerina. She would be just as perfect as Willow would be.

Hannah was the third to put in an appearance. She had a head full of brown hair that had been braided into two tame braids and she has mustard on her chin. Her eyes were expressive like a Lisa Frank lost puppy her eyes went from content to teary. If he still had a heart it would have broken watching her sorrow. She wore her school uniform, and someone had taken the time to tie bows to the end of her hair. Perhaps it had been one of the nuns. The girl hugged herself, trying to find comfort inside her own soul. He hoped she found it. She hadn't revealed much to him, she looked like any average child, pretty, but the Pattern wasn't run on beauty. He hoped she would reveal her mind more later.

Copenhagen arrived a few moments after Hannah, and he ran straight for the helicopter. Darrell was pleased to see his enthusiasm. Enthusiasm could be manipulated. If the boy liked flying machines Darrell could coax him with hundreds of them. He had a bargaining chip with this one. Copenhagen was the infamous delinquent, intelligent and excitable- a good combo for the Pattern. Perhaps he would counterbalance the unpredictable fiery Rozamond and the too quiet too good Hannah, he might even bring out Mr. Aura Willow. Yes, he was sure he'd made great choices.

The last to arrive was little Mazen. He'd apparently given his driver a fit; he was carried toward the rest like a bad kitten. He looked like he wanted to fight, but his leg hung oddly. A fighter, a genuine fighterÂ… Darrell hoped he hadn't made a mistake bringing Mazen in. Would he be a little monster? Mazen yelped when he hit the ground, but apparently the social pressure of the other children tempered his full-blown tantrum. Mazen too could control himself, and perhaps with stimulation be controlled.

There could be no mistakes in this group it was their best chance of stopping impending doom from engulfing humanity. Darrell would study them on the flight see how they interacted together and if they would interact together. He was concerned that they might not- usually children were little chatterboxes by the time they arrived with him, having had no one to respond to their questions or theories during the long ride from home. Tough crowd he supposed as he climbed into the helicopter. Soon they'd be on his turf, they'd realize they were stuck together, and they'd hopefully form a family unit.
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