Another Monday Morning

"Dubya speaking," comes the voice from the other end.

You hastily explain the situation to your boss who sends the Marines, Army Rangers, Navy Seals, and National Guard to search your house for weapons of mass destruction. You quickly remind the soldiers that there is a man in your bedroom that needs to be taken into custody.

The soldiers place breaching charges on your front door.

"Wait! It's unloc..."

The explosion of the breaching charge and your front door collapsing off of its hinges drowns out the rest of your words.

The soldiers burst into your house and the sounds of a huge fight and several things breaking reaches you from outside.

"Look," you try to explain to the HMFIC. "All ya gotta do is go in and arrest the guy in my room."

There is motion inside the house and the soldiers come out empty handed.

"Clear, Sir," says the first one out reporting back to the commander. "Musta been a false alarm."

"But..." you protest.

"Dubya will hear about this!" glares the commander at you, then calls off the troops who make a hasty retreat.

Grumbling under your breath, you head back inside.
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