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MLP FIM: Fledgling Emporium

"Well, I think there's a bathroom not far from here," Spike commented. "Can't believe Rainbow Dash wasn't ever potty trained though. You'd think she would've gotten trained if no other reason than to avoid being teased about it."

Rarity sighed. "I guess it's up to me to teach her, just like I had to more or less teach Sweetie Belle," A frown formed upon her face. "Come on, let's find Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow hadn't gotten too far, she had continued shopping in the aisles after bumping into Rarity. She kind of liked all the colorful training potties on display. "Hey Rarity, hey Spike," She greeted quite cheerfully. "Where'd you go?"

"Looking for a bathroom so that you can be potty trained," Rarity insisted. "And it's a good thing Spikey Wikey here knows where it is. Come on." She grabbed her friend by the hoof and carried Rainbow away before the speedster could utter a syllabe of protest.

Spike led the way and soon pushed open the door to a bathroom that was quite strange. Everything was sized up, especially the toilet. "Thought I heard Twilight in here earlier but when I checked she was nowhere to be seen." Spike commented.

Rainbow gulped and shivered a bit as she looked up at the huge toilet. But before she could say anything...
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