MLP FIM: Fledgling Emporium

Sensing her friend's anxiety about the giant toilet, Rarity decided to climb up onto the seat to show how one used a toilet. "Darling, it is quite simple. There's nothing to be afraid of. Simply sit down right here, then relax and let nature take its course."

Spike put a claw to his nose. "Might wanna plug your nose, Rainbow Dash. This could get smelly!"

"It is inevitable," Rarity declared. "But when you've potty trained others like I have you get used to it," Then she started grunting and pushing, soon producing a series of plops. "Ah, much better." She sighed in relief.

"Now you just use some toilet paper to wipe yourself," Spike instructed as he gave some rolls to Rarity. "And then you flush."

"You mean, like this?" Rainbow questioned as she flew close to the handle and pushed it down.

Rarity nodded. But then she felt something tug on her tail! "Huh?" She wondered, but before she could say anything else she was yanked off the seat and plunged into the bowl! She screamed, trying in vain to break free of the raging whirlpool that promptly sucked her down the drain!

"Oh no, Rarity!" Spike and Rainbow Dash gasped together.

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