Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

A dead body in a bed, AND you're hung over!

Loose Ends

There are 41 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
35966 Quick run out of the hotel and head downtown 17073
35995 Make up something, anything 17089
156284 help him get cash 79434
156286 drive to mexico. 79435
178712 The young and handsome man because his lucky lady will be yours ;D Only joking, but kill him anyway 91585
178714 Kill the cops! 91586
178715 Kill the receptionist 91586
178716 Hostages damn it! 91586
178717 Grab an icecream! 91586
178726 black 91590
178727 green 91590
178728 blue 91590
178729 pink 91590
178732 The guy with the phone, I'll tell him another of my stories! :D 91592
178733 Rape the body 91592
178734 Kill the guy cowering in the corner 91592
178754 Take the car and get the hell out of the area! 91603
178755 Go to the nearest weaponry market and purchase some ammunition. 91603
178756 Hand myself over. 91603
178757 Just casually walk down the street. 91603
178760 With violence of course. 91604
178762 "She set me up!" 91606
178763 "I swear to you I don't know this woman." 91606
178765 Nothing. Dive over the bed in a hope it'll protect me from the blast 91606
178888 Fall fast asleep 91672
178893 Stop killing people now and wash myself. 91674
179822 Climb through the window 92091
179823 Act casual 92091
179824 Kill every cop in sight 92091
179825 Try to find a way of keeping out of sight and making it out of this motel 92091
179827 Leave the hotel before the police arrive nitwit. 92092
179829 Die 92092
179830 Revive the old man 92092
179851 Celebrate his death 92099
179852 Ponder the meaning of your existence 92099
179853 Just die in mock remorse. 92099
179854 Run 92100
179855 Kill the officer 92100
179856 Stab myself 92100
183073 Decide to stab the man 93522
183074 Decide to caress the dead girls body 93522