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Dark Secrets

Loose Ends

There are 25 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
30364 Wade into the pond and hide under the bridge 14317
30444 Book it towards the cabin 14344
30445 Make your way to the police station 14344
30783 Make a break for the door 14520
31234 Stay in the boat and try to find civilization down the river 14723
31235 Get out and search the forest 14723
31265 Brace for the crash 14740
31266 Try to jump the fence anyway 14740
38450 Continue out of the room in search of Steve 18255
58279 "Nothing we can do really. We're as good as dead." 28587
58280 "Let's plan an attack!" 28587
61900 Run through the door to escape the wax zombies 30332
61901 Rip off a wax arm and try beating the zombies with it 30332
66943 Rejoin the party 33092
77361 The Hallway... 38535
77706 Open the van door 38778
84653 Stay with your dad 42116
84654 Chase after the killer 42116
135061 Get your party on 68221
135062 Enter the facility 68222
142281 Stay put and hope you aren't found 71678
142282 Try a sneak attack against the robed figure 71678
142283 Continue stabbing the figure until it seems lifeless 71679
151902 Allow your soul to be sucked out 77305
151903 Use your knife on your own neck 77305