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The Galactic Adventures of Pierce Darkblade

Back on the bridge of the Pachyderm the crew doesn't seem too worse for wear. Lt.Mason in somewhat of a daze looks to you as you sit down in the captains chair.

"Captain, what happened? Where is the alien?"

"Solitaire decided to play a little game with me. Luckily, I won, but nobody here fool yourselves. This being has the ability to destroy us on a whim. The only reason we are alive is because we amuse him."

"Sir, is he beatable?" Mason asks. Commander Fraglon furrows his brow, interested in your answer.

"I believe he is not all powerful and therefore beatable. He must have some weakness we are not aware of yet."

"What are your plans Captain for when we reach Iquaast?" Security officer Denzen asks. You know you have to be careful here in an answer or what you even think about.

"Solitaire can read minds Mr.Denzen. I cannot reveal any plans to anyone for fear that this creature could be listening in on our thoughts at any moment."

You pause to look around the bridge, everyone seems on edge.

"Mr. Mason, I want this ship going as fast as technically possible to Iquaast. We need to push the limit if we are going to get there first."

"Aye sir. Pushing past safety regulation limits. Core stability will falter in 3 hours at this speed."

"Cut back when we hit the 2 in a half hour mark." Mason nods and the bridge crew begins to go back to their normal duties. The mood is palpable however.

Eventually the Pachyderm reaches the coordinates of Iquaast. Brightly colored red and purple nebulas are all around this area but there is no sign of a planet. Empty space.

Commander Fraglon mutters, "It beat us here...The planet is already destroyed. The damnable monster."

Possible you think, but if the planet was actually destroyed you would think there would be a debris field, not just nothing. Unlike your crew however you know the mental powers of the Iquaan are vastly powerful. They have a device that channels their thought powers and projects a cloaking ability around the planet. A beings thoughts are clouded to see nothing but empty space even if the planet is right in front of them.

Quickly you discover the Iquaans are all right as a telepathic connection is made to you.

"I am honored to see you back at Iquaast, Pierce Darkblade; but I know you come here under dire circumstance and fear." An Iquaan monk communicates to you.

"That I do sir. To whom am I speaking?" You communicate back telepathically. Your eyes are shut, the crew looks on as though you have lost your mind.

"You do not recognize my voice, Pierce Darkblade? It is I, Grand Master Ooat."

Grand Master Ooat is one of 12 Grand Masters on Iquaast. He just happened to be your teacher for your training. A great teacher at that.

"Ahh yes Master Ooat. Nice to hear you again. My abilities are not as fresh as they once were when I trained under you, please forgive me sir. My crew and I are in a dire situation that has unfortunatley, involved Iquaast. A super powerful being will be here shortly to annihilate the planet. Please believe me when I say he is quite capable. The cloak may fool him for a few moments but he must be captured or else he will keep attempting to wreak havoc in the universe!"

"What must my people do to help your cause?"

"I need a massive brain fog surrounding the entire planet. I was able to confuse his mind reading before with the technique so it should work perfectly here so I can communicate with my crew on our plan of action."

"It will be done as you ask Pierce. May your mind focus freely."

"Thank you Grand Master." You cut your telepathic link with Master Ooat. You open your eyes to see the crew staring at you strangley, waiting for further orders no doubt. You attempt to read Commander Fraglons mind but are bombarded with a thousand different voices and thought trains at once. It is working, the Iquaans have placed a brain fog on everyone in the area, Solitaire will not be able to read a clear thought.

"Alright crew, listen up! The planet is not destroyed but it is still in danger. Everyone must follow my orders exactly as I give them. Mr. Denzen, cloak the ship. Mr. Mason, do a constant survelliance sweep on the look out for a Galactic Alliance fleet. Commander, think of some options for us to contain and/or destory Solitaire."

Your sturdy crew nods in confidence and sets off to work. You look out into the view screen, the vastness of space, rubbing your chin, waiting for Solitaires approach.

You have 1 choice:

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