The Galactic Adventures of Pierce Darkblade

No longer being employed by the Galactic Alliance, your sense of duty has waned. If this guy is a pirate with goals of ill intent, so be it. You got a couple million credits from him so you're happy.

You pay the Voltorb auctioneers their commision, then head back toward your ship with enough credits to fuel your ship and feed your crew for another 4 months. Nearing the docking station, you are approached by a Voltorb, clothed in rags. A vagabond you decipher.

"5,000 credits please for ship parking fees." He demands, holding out his stubby palm.

You laugh in his face. "Uhh yeah I don't think so buddy. There is no parking fee for this space station and I'm pretty sure you don't work at the landing platform."

"But sir...I insist you pay me 5,000 credits for parking." From his raggity robe he pulls out a blow dryer, steps forward and aims it at your head.

You almost cannot stop yourself from bursting out in laughter. This voltorb bum is trying to jack you with a blow dryer! If only he knew who he was talking to!

What do you do with this sad sack?
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