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Demon Trouble

You look at her wide eyed you want to runaway but fear paralyzes your every muscle. And anyways you're puzzuled. You never heard about her in your whole life. How could she know you or your ancestors?
Maou looks at you a moment then frowns she says,"How come you don'T take out your sword! Are you taught so badly nowadays or do you think yourself strong enough to defeat me without a weapon?"
"Well... FIRST of all... I have no idea WHO you are and SECOND of all I've never held a sword in my life!" You exclaim.
"How could you not know me!You and all your family should know me! I'm the only reason you're still around today! You see I saved your ancestor Ryoleo from a fatal wound and then to repay me he imprisonned me in the hall of darkness which is where you carcass will be when I'm done with you!"she exclaims.
"Really... well... I... I... never heard this story before... I... am... sorry that Ryoleo-san* did that to you he had no right... I... mean... you did save him and... all..." you manage to stutter in hopes that it'll save your life.
"Well... you don't seem half as bad as Ryoleo... but that still remains to be seen. If you can prouve to me that you are a nobel being then I will spare your life. I will give you a month to do so... meanwhile I shall stay at your place till further notice.Is that understood?" Maou says litterally inviting herself in your apartment.
"Yes Maou-san... erm... I'll show you to my place but... afterwards... I sort of have to go to school... you see... if you don't mind Maou-san..." you say with a sigh of content at the fact that you aren't dead... yet...
"Very well... show me to your place..."Maou says with a graceful nod. She puts away her sword with a flicker of her wrist and closes the grand door behind her before following you out of the crummy alley to your apartment. Hopefully your roommate Sora won't mind her.
Now that she's settled though it is clear that she dislikes the place.("The mess is horrid! How could you live in such a pigstye?!" as she said)
Now either you go to school LATE and then get a detention or you show Maou the wonders of modern socitety. It's up to you.
* Ryoleo-san means Mr Ryoleo but I find Ryoleo-san sounds much better then Mr.Ryoleo so that's what I use and if you hadn't guess Maou-san means Ms.Maou (in japanese!)I also ind Maou-san sounds better then Ms.Maou SSOO that's what I used.
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