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A Mystical Adventure

The man's eyes light up and he laughs loudly, "That's it? Oi, it seems someone has a bit of trouble with alcohol." He smirked, "Not a problem, the ale here is the finest in the land, the most potent too. It'll make anyone feel like they're on top of the world."

He snickers for a while before gaining his composure, "Listen, there's something special about the room you're in-"

He was interrupted by a sound above and he lets out a low gasp, "They're coming...there isn't much time. There's a secret panel in your's in the east corner. Press it, and a way will open up for you that leads to a back alleyway. It's your only escape...I have a feeling my time has come. I wish you to return the favor and free me from my execution."

You look at the man and nod solemnly, "Thank you..." You quickly murmur before spinning around and pressing your hand against the panel.

You have 1 choice:

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