
You decide anyways to land down at the UTEX port in Baraza. You're feeling confident that you'll be able to sort out this matter through a few simple explanations and showing of credentials. More importantly, you are curious to learn who has attempted to steal your identity and just how they knew you were coming.

You land down in a cleared landing area and gathering your wits, pop the door on your cruiser and enter into the unfamiliar desert heat of Tro. The sun is very bright here and for a moment you have to shield your eyes while they adjust.

Through your hazy vision, you see a team of what appears to be Tro'un police approaching you. Leading them is a Pojhan man, all too detectable with his four long horns sticking out from the top of his head and barbed horns lining the sides of his face. How this species kisses has always been a issue you've slightly wondered about, but you don't think that now would really be the best time to ask one.

The tall Pojhan man, now towering before you, glares down at you and says "You have landed down here when we clearly instructed you not to. How do you explain this offensive behavior?"

"It's okay," you explain to him. "I don't know who that other person was but I can prove that I'm the real Ranger here. Take a look at my card, it's officially stamped."

The man, still scowling, takes your card and to your horror, he flicks it into the dirt after a mere moment of looking at it.

"A nice ploy, but you must take us to be the biggest fools in the universe if you think we've never heard of imposter identifications. Now you have two options and I suggest for your own sake you listen close."

You take a deep breath, feeling an uncomfortably lump in your throat.

"The first option is that we take you right now to jail, where you will await a hearing of our own citizens. The second option is that we escort you right now to the Barren Lands and you never return, lest you risk facing death."

The Tro'uns all glare at you, as if hating every second you stall to make a decision. Their gaze on you feels almost as heated as the sun above. What do you choose?
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