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The Adventure of Adventurely Adventuring!

Muahaha! Feeling evil today, are we? The occupant of the balloon screams a scream of pure terror... Well, not exactly pure. There's also little bit of relief that he has an excuse for not showing up at his brother's birthday party, whom he hates. But still!

Anyway he screams, and the balloon deflates, and you feel yourself burning, as the flame is still going, and the part of the balloon you were on is descending into it. It's a bit sad really, but you are lucky enough that the balloon runs out of gas to keep the flame going, so your burns are not serious. And as luck would have it, the balloon lands atop a hospital. Wow! karma must be taking the day off! The doctors take you in and treat you, but then charge you 100,000 dollars. What do you do?
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