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The Island of Destiny

This old've never seen anybody like her before. She has long, gray, scraggly hair that falls down to her shoulders. Her face has a withered, beaten look to it that is marked by wrinkles of age. She is wearing a brown-raggedy cloak and her whole figure gives off the impression that this lady is very frail. She approaches you and suddenly you get a quick chill and a thought attached to it "Should I run away?"

But then you disregard the thought, rationally thinking that this really is just but an old lady. You are curious what she has to say to you as well, especially since you were just about to sit down and think over these notes some more.

"-ello," you hear her mutter, although she isn't close enough for you to hear her clearly. You give her a wave back and wait anxiously for her to draw closer.

"So I see you've found the notes," she muses.

You glance down at the pieces of paper clutched in your hand and realize that finally you are going to get some answers about these.

"Yes," you reply with interest. "What do you know about these?"

"Well I should know an awful lot since I wrote them to you," she says with a strange hint in her expression. You almost jump back when you hear her admit to writing the letters. Now it seems you have a whole new array of questions for her.

But before you can even start to ask them, the old woman holds up her hand in silence. You get the signal and close your mouth, giving her the floor to talk.

"First of all, could you please do me the courtesy of allowing me to introduce myself?"

You nod in guilty, agreement. She just scolded you like a child.

"My name is Mary. I am the one who brought you to this island and guided you to this exact location. Now before you ask why, allow me to explain a little. See, I am here to lead you to your destiny. As I have done with so many others, all on this small, pretty island."

"Ma'am please," you begin. "What do you want with me?"

"I would love to answer that question for you but first you must come with me. Won't you?"

You again nod your head in silent agreement and begin to follow this woman, Mary she said it was, through the jungle. As you follow behind her, a thousand thoughts roll through your brain. The main one being: Is this woman a witch?

Ponderng this deeply, you scroll through the evidence:

She somehow brought you to this island from your own house.

She knew exactly where the notes were supposed to lead you.

She frickin LOOKS like one!!

After what seems like a long walk, Mary(the witch) finally draws to stop. You halt as well and come face to face with a small, brick cabin perched up on a cliff in the jungle. This must be the old woman's home.

As she starts to lead you on, you see that there is a wooden door leading into the cliff face in front of you. This could possibly lead into the basement of this woman's house.
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