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The Island of Destiny

Shocked by this beast attacking your arm, you cry at the top of your lungs for help. You have never felt so desperate in your entire life and although you still struggle to free yourself, you know that this beast is stronger than you.

Then all of a sudden, you hear a loud crashing in the jungle and a moment later you hear a BRRRAAACCKKK.

The next moment, you feel the beast's hairy arms being pulled off you. You look up and watch as the beast, which has been harpooned through its chest by a spike, is reeled back towards an even bigger monster. The large, scaly thing devours its hairy prey, still piercing the body with one of its six spiked feet. You notice the monster looking in your direction, but it seems very content with its current meal and you don't seem too appealing.

Now that you've been saved once in the swamp, what is your next move?
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