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The Island of Destiny

You decide to walk past the tent and Sabrina shrugs her shoulders and follows behind you. You can tell that she very much wants to see what's inside but for some strange reason, you just don't feel comfortable with that tent.

You have walked past the tent about ten yards when you feel a stinging in your neck and come to a halt. You feel your neck and to your horror, you pull out a small dart with black liquid dripping down it. Your vision begins to blur and you find that Sabrina has a dart just like you sticking out of her neck. She collapses on the sand and behind her, you can see a couple dark-skin men striding towards the two of you. You cannot run away for your legs have been immobilized and a moment later, you eat dirt.


You open your eyes an indefinite amount of time later and you open your mouth in shock. You find yourself..

You have 2 choices:

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