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The Island of Destiny

You decide that you'll stay with your red compass, there's no real reason for you to switch over anyways. Satisfied with leaving the blue one behind, you continue on your interesting journey through the jungle.

You stop at a couple rivers along your walk, taking big drinks of water and splashing your face a little to keep you clean...or at least, the impression that you're clean. Then a few hours later, your stomach starts to grumble and you begin to notice that you are growing very hungry. You're going to need to stop and eat soon, but what can you find in this jungle to satisfy your hunger.

It's just then that you hear a bird call from one of the trees above you and you look up to see a white parrot. It eyes you curiously and lets out another "Cawwwwww".

Wait...this seems a little wierd to you. Is there a chance you've seen this white parrot before?

You have 2 choices:

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