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I don't even like brewing potions all that much. The only reason I do it is because I'm good at it and it seems no one else in this miserable school is. I left the potion, I'd just have to redo it later, and went searching my dungeons. Sure enough the uniformed individuals were swarming through my dungeon installing metal and plastic string everywhere they went. It took nearly an hour of daylight to chase them all out.

How dare Albus send them into my dungeon without consulting me first. What was he thinking anyhow? Why would a school of magic have such things. Determined to put an end to the madness I returned to my workroom and disposed of the ruined potion, then made sure the other three were properly tended. Once I'd finished I went straight to the headmaster's office. Unfortunately he'd already gone to dinner.

I didn't feel the least bit like making an appearance in the dining hall, but it was a necessary evil that evening. How else would I catch him prior to bed time? In the dining hall every person on the staff who summered over was gathered around a table, chatting and smiling. I entered, glared at Dumbledore and went straight to him.

"We need to talk," I told him, ignoring the other staff.

"Ah Severus, you've joined us. Excellent, excellent, I hoped you might," he had a disturbing twinkle to his eyes. "Sit down, we were just discussing the new electric lights. Have you received your electric cauldrons yet?"

Had the world gone mad?
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