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I finished pouring the potions into my carefully labeled containers. Then I filled the cauldron with water and left it over a low heat. It might as well be soaking while I was gone. Who knew what that fool was doing, and how much time it would take to straighten it out. I went straight to Dumbledore's office. "Cotton Candy," was his current password. I hated saying it. It was some sort of muggle faire candy. It sounded aweful.

His door opened and I let it slam behind me as I stomped up the stairs.

"Ah, Severus, how delightful. Tea?" He was in a fantastic mood. No wonder I wasn't.

"No, thank you. I would just like to know what those men are doing in my dungeon."

"Men..." he seemed puzzled, but I didn't take the bait. Much as I liked to think of him and speak of him as an old fool I knew he was sharp as ever. "Ah yes, you must mean the electricians," he finally concluded, "some of them are women you know."

"That's great Albus. Now, can you give me any reason not to dissect them for spell components?" I hate it when he prolongs conversations. I've never understood why he found it necessary to do so.

"You mustn't do that," his face became very serious. "I've invited those electricians to add electricity so our muggle students will feel more at home." I blinked twice, stunned and then recovered myself.

"Muggle..." I sputtered, "...more comfortable... Albus, you can't just," I shook my head, gathering my thoughts together. They basically came back to one word. "No."

"Oh dear, well, I'm afraid there's no stopping them at this point." Albus Dumbledore motioned to his teapot. "Are you quite sure you wouldn't like some tea?" He's an impossible man.

"Quite," I snapped, turning on my heel and leaving the room before I did something I'd later regret.
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