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Hall of Infinite Doors

You accept the task and have them email you all the relevant material. That night you sit and analyze everything. A few things become clear. First, it is clear that whoever did this intended to profit from their experiences. Second, while there are several random requests, many of the men these ladies are sent to meet are living off campus in wealthy areas of town. Sometimes there is a special request, such as "after the occupant asks answers, ask to use the phone and then bend from the hips to pick up the receiver. Dial your cell phone number" Someone would have to know where the phone is. You're surprised no one mentioned meeting a woman or a man and his wife. Third, save one, the meeting with the rich men all occur at night. The exception is a man that three different sorority sisters have all been with--each as a first time use.

You then carefully check your video tape and find a couple times with a person taking pictures. One appears to be a female wearing a stocking cap. You think you've seen her. The other is a college aged-guy. Better yet, you catch his vehicle on tape as he drives away.

You see the brunnette was to meet someone at room 2419 of a fancy hotel downtown tomorrow night.

You consider your options.
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