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Hall of Infinite Doors

You hold you breathe and labour to squeeze into the slender opening;with a few moments of grunts and heaves you have suceeded and now stand in the dark chamber. The smell has become fume,and you struggle to breathe without panting.You know the odour to be sulfur,and you have the feeling this is no place for you to be.Still curiosity beckons your stronger self.
Inside is a cavernous room that seems to be the definitions of darkness complete;onyx marble floors stretch forth into the forever of the minds' eyes' sights and you are finding it harder to clearly think...Thus explaining your entering further into this awful place without another moments hesitation.As any one might expect,the door closes immediately and you are left to the darkness of this hidden ravine.You wait long moments for your eyes to adjust,only to realize there is absolutely no amount of light present.You begin to feel the gnawing teeth of panic in your mind;your heart threatens to come out of your chest,and GOD DAMN that smell!!
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