Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

The Villain Manifesto

You run to the edge of town. If you had to get by the town guards, you'd have your hands full. Fortunately, even though this is a fortified township, you know a place where the town wall is still breached after the last Orcish invasion. You make your way to the breach quickly.

Having gotten out of town, you head to the forest nearby. It is sparse on its outskirts, but it isn't long until you've made it into the thick of the forest. It's good for not being seen from Vitomir, but bad for running into territorial Elven druids. You try to make your way as carefully as you know how, hoping to run into a pathway of some sort... and soon.

Night is falling quickly and you're still in probably the thickest forest you've ever been in. You remind yourself never to go off the beaten path again!

What will you do?
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