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Hall of Infinite Doors

Stacey sneers as you sign a document stating that the money is "payment in full due to defects in the workmanship." She then gives you a smug, "I've won and I'm a woman" look as she hands you the check. "Don't spend it all in one place." You hear her high heels click across the carpet as she escorts you to the door. You stand outside, about to shake her hand. She smirks. "Chump." And slams the door.

When you arrive home, your new roommate, Bill, gives you four messages from the admissions office. It turns out that you forgot to file for some finaincial aid that you were counting on getting. You can re-file, but for now your bill is $8,000 more than you expected. Your parents can't afford that, and all you have to live is the $5,000 from Sigma Chi. The admissions office puts you on a very generous pay-as-you-go program, but still wants $3,000 a month, starting in two weeks. Plus your automotive insurance is due.

The first day of school is rapidly approaching.
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