Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Hall of Infinite Doors

Well, at least you're honest.

The beast snatches you in its claws, and lifts you up with little effort. You find yourself staring directly at its large mandibles, and can't help but whimper. But instead of biting you in half, it inhales deeply. With each breath, ethereal purple sparks spit into the air.

You have no idea what the beast is doing, until your consciousness begins to fade out. It's sucking out your soul! The beast succeeds, and your limp body falls to the ground. Holding the sparking form of your existance in one hand, and your body in the other, the creature walks past the ethereal light you had spotted earlier. It poses your body, making it look as though it were in the middle of a kung-fu battle. You look around, and notice other people in similar poses.

Huh. It's like some sort of twisted taxidermy practice.

The monster throws you into the sickly glow, where you converse with other souls for all eternity.

You have 1 choice:

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