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Days in the Dorm

Pushed Too Far

You shake your head and look sternly at him. "That's not good enough. I need to know who is going to be there and I would prefer to have some say in it."

He looks sorry, but his voice is firm. "I'm sorry, but I can't let you have any more say other than what you already told me you are like and what you look for in a roommate, as stated on your forms."

"Come on. Just let me see the contenders' files and let me help make my own decision."

"I told you, I can't do that. It violates the rules."

"I won't tell anyone." You say, trying to convince him one last time. "You can even just accidentally leave them out and we won't even talk about it. I'll just leave my choice on top."

He stands and looks very sternly down at you. "I told you how it is and I think you should now leave so I can do my job."

You slowly stand and reach into your pocket. "Fine," You say, pulling out a wad of cash. "How much is it going to cost to get what I want?"

"Jesus Christ," He yells as she shoves you towards the door. "You are seriously starting to piss me off. I told you what I could and couldn't do and you keep pushing. Just get out of here and let me to my job."

"Shit man, you don't have to be so rude about it. I am just trying to make sure I don't end up with horrible roommate and you keep standing in my way."

"That's it." He says through gritted teeth as he throws you out of the room. Right before she slams the door you hear his say. "I know exactly who you get."

"Whatever." You huff and head off to finish unpacking your stuff and ready yourself for the appearance of your new roommate.

You end up not having to wait very long at all. The next morning you are awoken by a loud noise and your dorm room door bursting open. The lights turn on and you see some large bald kid in a football jersey, accompanied by another large man and the Dorm Leader. They loudly come in and drop a number of bags on the floor.

"Dude!" The bald kid blurts out in a booming voice. "What's with all this crap? This place is tiny."

The Dorm Leader has a forced smile on his face responds. "Unfortunately it's all we have, and a lot of this stuff belongs to your roommate. You will have to work out space usage with him."

You sit up in your bed and look at them as the bald kid looks over at you. "Is that him?"

"Yes." Replies the DL. "That's Daniel. And Daniel, this is Ed. He is your new roommate. I will be heading out now, I have a lot to take care of."

"Laters Dude." Blurts out Ed as the DL leaves you alone with him and who you assume is his father.

Turning back to you he looks almost mean now. "First off dude, you are going to have to get the hell out of my bed. There is no way I am sleeping on the top bunk. Then you are going to have to get rid of some of this crap. I can't have it look like a dork lives here. I have a rep to maintain."

The next couple days pretty much summed up what your dorm life was going to be like as Ed made it a living hell. He controlled everything you did in the room, was loud and boisterous, and made it near impossible for you to make or maintain any friends as he always drove them away. Complaining to the DL did no good, since he simply would smile and shake his head saying nothing more than "Sorry."

Not only is your life miserable, but there is no chance you can ever fulfill the needs of this story. Ed has seen to that. So for all intents and purposes this story is over.
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