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Interdimensional Traveler

You promise Pauly Shore that you will help him regain the Presidency. You always liked Firefly, and you always thought Summer Glau was hot, but right now Pauly Shore is making some pretty tempting promises...too tempting to turn down. You press a code on your remote control and find yourself in front of a huge bank.

This must be fate, you say to yourself. You walk in, whip out a 9MM, and rob the bank. As soon as you get the money, you press a button on your Remote Control Dimensional Transporter and head right into another dimension.

You rob banks in 12 dimensions, and end up with about $50,000,000. And all of the cash looks exactly the same as it does in dimension 225, or your home dimension for that matter...

It occurs to you that you do not need Pauly Shore's help to live the rest of your days in luxury, as long as you stay out of the dimensions where you robbed banks.
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