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Paco Valdez


You move your head so that your open mouth can clamp onto his arm. You bite down and are satisfied to hear a bellow of pain from behind you while you feel your teeth sink into his flesh.

Suddenly the man shifts his weight and the two of you topple off the side of the saddle to land with a hard thump on the ground. You try to scramble to your feet, but the Vigilante holds you down. His companions are there in seconds, laughing at you and helping their comrade to his feet.

The man you bit holds his bleeding arm like it's broken. "Son of a bitch bit me!" He screams. His friends laugh at this, but he walks up to you and kicks you hard across the face. Everything goes black.


You wake up with a splitting headache and severe queasiness again. You roll onto your side and dry heave, your mouth gushing forth saliva.

Rolling back onto your back you look at the ceiling and notice that you are in the barn again. Right back where you started. Looking to your left you note that the hole you had kicked in the wall is blocked by crates. You're sure that whatever is in them is heavy.

Footsteps make their way to you and you roll over again to see a rough looking Anglo holding onto a bandaged arm. "So you're awake again?" He asks you with obviously mocked concern.

He walks up to you and kicks you in the gut. "Get up ya sorry son of a bitch." You get on all fours and prepare to rise to your feet when he kicks you again, his foot lifting you more than a little off the ground to land in a heavy thump on your side.

"You ain't got rabies or nothin', do you?" He asks. "Come on! Get up already!! Jorge ain't gonna wait around for you all day." He spits on you and allows you to stand.

"Let's get a move on." He says, backing up a step so that you can start walking towards the barn door. "And don't even think 'bout running. We got men watchin' for your sneaky ass now."

You start to walk past him, spitting out a mixture of saliva and blood to the ground. "How's your arm?" You ask sarcastically.

He kicks a boot to your ass as you step past him. "Get a move on it, asshole!" He tells you.

You walk ahead of him out of the barn and see a tall skinny man holding a rifle in his arms. He doesn't say a word to you, just points to the entrance to the farm house. You follow his instructions and walk slowly into the house via the back door.

You enter through the kitchen and a man in there tells you to go to the living room, pointing the way for you. Within the living room are two people, the little Mexican known as Jorge, and Claire, Paco Valdez's woman. She has two black eyes and a split open lip. You banged her up pretty good the other night.

Jorge looks your way. "Sit down, senor." He says to you. You comply. The three of you sit in silence for a while, Claire's eyes are burning through you.

Eventually Jorge speaks. "Mr. Valdez will enjoy taking his revenge on you. He will enjoy it very much I think. Miss Claire tells me you raped her."

This comes as a bit of a shock to you. Now she's saying you raped her? You figure that would get her out of trouble with Valdez, eh? She looks the part for sure, you having beat the living shit out of her. She looks at you with a look of triumph in her eyes. She knows she's in the clear now, while you are, in all likelihood, a dead man.
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