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This is probably something your parents should talk about with him. You've done more than your share of parenting, and this is really something they need to be actively involved in. One of many things they should be actively involved in.

You knock on the door to your parent's room. It is silent within. Sometimes you wonder what they do in there all the time.

"What is it?" Your mother asks coldly. It is apparent that you have pulled her from sleep.

"I think you should have a talk with Mikey." You say.

You hear her feet fall heavy on the floor and approach the door. She opens the door and looks at you. She doesn't seem entirely enthused to talk to anyone.

"What is it, Paul?" She asks.

"I think he's smoking pot." You tell her.

Then you hear your father get out of bed. His feet fall on the floor as he thunders towards you, the house shaking under his steps. Alcohol is sour on his breath, kind of a mixture of stale beer and morning breath.

"He'sssss doin' wha?!!" He says barely below a raging roar.

You mom turns to him. "He said Mikey is smoking pot."

Your dad reaches for his belt and thunders past you, nearly knocking you over with a bump as he passes. "Ain' no boy o' mine doin' none o' tha' shit in my house!!"

Your mom closes the bedroom door in your face.

The crack of the belt and the wailing of your brother keeps you up long into the night.

Mikey doesn't come out of his room for two days. When he does, you can see that he is covered with welt, bruises, and scars. He doesn't say a word to you for a few weeks. When he starts speaking to you again, it is out of necessity; short and to the point.

You regret having involved your parents now that you can see the results of their intervention, but your apologies fall on deaf ears.

A few months go by. Mikey is rarely home anymore, staying at friends houses whenever he can. Word gets to you that he has fallen deeply into the drug thing. You consider telling your parents, but after the last episode you wonder if that is such a good idea.
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