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Doors and More Doors

As you approach the portal, it starts to suck you in. It gets so overpowering that you can't resist it anymore even if you wanted to, and it circles you around and around it until you disappear into it fully. Your eyes close, and you are full of nothing but regret. And then, the swirling stops. You open your eyes and you're standing in a sunny field with long stalks of grass and rolling hills far far away. There is a small bunch of trees to the slight right of your eyes and, in front of you, a bit far away, stands a tiny cottage. It's made of wood and wood only, but there is a thin layer of tan paint. There are wooden cases of flowers low to the ground near the porch. The portal stays behind you, standing strong. It seems to even get bigger, actually. It beckons you back in subtly and with a hint of love. You turn and see faces in the portal. Ones of people you don't recall, but somehow know, deeper than possibly even yourself. They're humans, to be sure, and you've seen them before too.

Suddenly, the portal speaks to you. "Come," it says. It isn't playing around anymore, it doesn't think you belong here. It gives you promises, or something. You're confused, but you feel compelled to enter, maybe just for a few seconds. A minute or two.
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