Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

The absurd, weird universe of zio.

Beeeeeep beeeeeep
Bee- *Click*
"When.. did my alarm.. start working.. again.."

Buchi springs from the bed, he's still wearing his work clothes, damn, oh well fuck that today's going to be a good day, while he feels like crap and his forehead has scars all over it, that means nothing! All that matters is.. is.. huh.... Oh well time for work! Buchi was excited as he sprang out of bed and pocketed his hands away smirking, he opened the door and whistles walking out, today was special and that because... Because it just can be! I mean he'll, a day can be nice and special for no eason at all because just thinking it's special makes it special.. right?

Buchi continued walking down the long messy hall in his cheerful mood, he noticed that crack head was gone and so was that annoying girl lussurio! Buchi kept on as he saw the door to the outside opening the door he reeled his head outside- too have smashed and snapped by a baseball! We'll just his nose.. it twisted and broke as the baseball ripped past the door in a white blur! Of course Buchi stumbles back in utter pain and confusion falling back into the apartment hall looking down to his legs frozen and trying to understand the situation as some black shoes stomped towards him, he looked up to see a enraged gray skinned baseball player in his red and black outfit.. and his bulging veins.. Buchi is probably fucked.

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