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Behind the Shield: Bomb Squad

"Sir I think Jackson may possibly be our best bet in this situation. As you said before we don't need a rookie hoovering over a bomb."

"Sounds good to me." says the Captain agreeing with your choice. " I'll send a memo out Jackson's Captain to have him reassigned."

You thank the Captain and head back out to the gym where you meet up with George who looks to be finishing up doing arm curls.

"So what did the captain have to say?" ask George as he stacks the weight back onto the rack.

"The dept. is starting up a new bomb squad and I'm going to be leading it."

After explaining what the captain had passed on to you, you and George both head out to do a 3 mile run. After the run you shower up and clock in for work doing the late shift.

You think about trying to start getting ready for the bomb squad. You could either go see what gear you have in the SWAT Gear Supply room but perhaps you should see if Jackson is working and call him in to talk with him to get to know him a little better.
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