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The Island of Destiny

You patiently sit in the tent, praying that Sabrina is okay. It's about noon, and the tent is getting hotter and hotter by the minute. The men are talking and laughing at each other as if they didn't just kidnap two kids. Disgusting!

All the sudden one man with a high pitched, fragile voice says,"Why did we take these kids for?"

Another man asks, "You don't know! You were just transferred her correct?"

"Yes" says the first man.

A third man with a low voice explained, "We have, inverters from all over the world. Places like North Korea, Russia, places like that. Countries who want to take over the world. Now I don't know where they get their evidence from but they some how came to the conclusion that their is an artifact buried somewhere on the island. They hired us, their own little army, to take people from anywhere and make them dig around for it. It's some kinda diamond thingy that is suppose to be able to influence the minds of people or something like that."

"How did these kids escape?" asked the low voice man

"We usually transport them by plain, but our plain was broken down. We had them come over by ship. The ship actually struck a coral reef and sank. We assumed they drowned."

Now everything makes sense. Why your here, who they are, and how you got here. But there is one unanswered question, how did that note end up beside you in the sand. What do you do now?
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