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Summer Vacation

Matt is not going to let his precious beer go without a fight. With his free hand (the one he really should be steering with), he shoves you away from him. As you put your hand out to steady yourself, you see a car coming towards you. You shout out to Matt to look out. Luckily, he spots the oncoming vehicle just in time, and swerves out of the way. The sudden movement jolts you forward, and you hear a sickening cracking noise. Looking down, you are horrified to see your arm is rapidly swelling. The pain is overwhelming.

You shout to Matt "stop the car!". He looks over and sees your arm, then immediately pulls over to the side of the road.

Your injury seems to have jolted Matt back to reality. He begins babbling an almost unintelligible apology as the others lean over to check out your arm.

"What are we going to do now, dudes?", asks Matt worriedly. He is obviosuly shaken, and you really don't think he is capable of driving. Maybe that beer really did affect him.
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