Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

The Drakes of Heaven and Earth.

Narrator: Here in the town of Clover, you'll find the building, where the guild master conferences are held.

Master Bob: I'm jealous, Maki, your wizards are SO full of life, and they're such cutie pies!

Narrator: This is Bob. Master of the Blue Pegasus Guild...And just in case you were wondering...He's a man…

MB: I hear you have some new wizards that gave some big shot quite the spanking…

Master Makarov Dreyar: Oh!...You must mean the Grimms, Lucy, and...Griffin…[Shutters] Yes, they are our newest recruits...And the ladies got bodies that won't quit!

MB: Ooo! SO naughty!

Master Goldmine: I wouldn't be joking around if I were you, Makarov…

MMD: Huh?!

Narrator: This wizard is named, Goldmine. He's the Guild Master of the Quatro Cerberus Guild.

MG: Your wizards may be spirited, but you got to admit, they go overboard sometimes…[Points his kabob at Makarov.] Some of the council members are worried that Fairy Tail’s going to destroy an entire city one of these days...Can't say that I blame them…

MMD: Don't worry your pointy hat about it...Some of my newest wizards are experts a rebuilding collateral damage...So well in fact, that when they're done, it looks better than before it got trashed...Besides...The Council is just upset that my wizards are HOT!


MB: Oh, Maki! You shouldn't talk about your little wizards that way! You're such a scoundrel!

Pii-chan: Master Makarov! Master Makarov! I've got a letter from Ms. Mirajane![Drops the Magic letter into Makarov’s Grasp. This letter was sent prior to knowing Eisenwald's plans]

MMD: Oh...Thanks a lot…

Pii-chan: No problem![Pii-chan files away.]

[Master Makarov activates the magic seal on the letter, projecting a recording of Mirajane Strauss.]

Hologram Mirajane Strauss: Hi Master! I'm glad you made it to the conference safe and sound!

MMD:[Showing the other Masters] SEE! This honey is our poster girl, Mirajane! Grab some eye candy boys!

Guild Masters:[General cat-calling and wolf whistles.]

MB: Ooo la la!

MG: That's Mirajane!?! I haven't seen her in a while...She sure has matured…

HMS: Oh, Master! You're not gonna believe what happened! It may be the greatest thing in the history of Fairy Tail!

MMD: Really!

HMS: Erza, Natsu, and Gray have all teamed up together! An amazing combination, huh!?!

[Master Makarov listens with a look of dread.]

In fact, I think they may have formed the strongest team Fairy Tail has ever seen! Sorry to bother you, but I just couldn't wait to tell you the exciting news!

MMD:[Horrified] Not...Those...Three…

HMS: And I think Clayton is joining them too! And Chico as well! With him on board, it's sure to be one of the strongest teams in all of the guilds!...And I'm sure he'll make sure to clean up after their mess!...See you soon, Master![The letter is finished.]

MMD:[Relieved] *Phew!*...Those three might be strong enough to destroy a city, but Clay is powerful enough to put one back together!...Nearly had a heart-attack…

Victoria Marvell:[Wearing an indigo sequent dress with sapphire-blue stiletto heels and no piercings except her earrings] Did she say, “Clay is joining them?”...Then if that's the case...They should be fine...I've once seen him rebuild a city as big as crocus once...Of course...He passed out after that...And was basically powerless for about a week...But he's grown even more powerful since then…

MG: I'm sorry...Are you a new Guild Master, or something?!

MB: Don't take any offense from goldy poo over here!...He's means we've never meet a lady as scrumptious as you are!

VM: Really Bob!?!...I know It's been a while...But I can't believe you forgot me...It's Victoria! Victoria Marvell!

MB: Oh, my! Vicki!?! Is that you!?![Greats her with a handshake.] It's been TOO LONG since we last met! Actually, me Ooba, José and Goldmine ran into Clayton heading over here! If it wasn't for him, we'd probably all be late...

VM: Really?!...Ummm...Ichiya isn't here...right?!

MB: No, I'm a afraid!...These conferences are for Guild Masters only…Besides, he's leading his Trimen team on a mission...If you want, I could tell him you asked for him!

VM:[Vigorously refuses] NO, NO, NO!!!...Just wanted to make sure I didn't accidentally put him in a coma again…[Gestures to Inne Cognitto to put the Magic Tasers away.]

Inne Cognitto:[Puts the tasers away] 👌

Orion:[Dressed in a three-piece suits] Hope we didn't arrive too late…

MB: Ooo! Orion! You clean up nicely!...So...Is Heracles around!?!

Orion:[Pulling out Heracles Gold Gate Key] He's missed you since we last met!...Open! Gate of the Strong Man! Heracles!

{Author's note: There are different families of constellations then the Zodiac family. Therefore, I think it'd be a waste to have only twelve keys be gold. Furthermore, the greek depictions of Heracles (Roman equivalent=Hercules) showed him to be bisexual, having many confirmed lovers, both male and female. As for how he looks like, imagine Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s portrayal of Hercules, and Puri Puri Prisoner from One-Punch Man had a love child, and that love child grew up. That's pretty much Heracles.}


[The two go off deeper into the conference.]

MG: Never seen Bob so happy...So...You're Orion...I heard that you can turn a Nikora spirit into a bloodthirsty killing machine...Are they just rumors?!

Orion: I...Loathe the fact that everyone thinks Nikora spirits are only good for pets...And yes...The rumors are true…

MG: Really!?!...I've been thinking about getting a Nikora to act as a mascot for my guild...But I've heard they aren't the wildest spirits…

Orion: If you want wild…[He pulls out a Silver Nikora Gate Key.] Here!...This little guy's name is “Spot”...He's definitely what you're looking for…[He hands it to Master Goldmine.]

MG: Okay...Here goes...Open! Gate of Canis Minor! Come, Spot!

Spot: *Arroooooooo!* (Translation) Oh, yeah! I'm back world! Wooohooo!

[He then enters his lesser battle form, then sprouted two additional heads, readying his Cardinal Clones.]

MG: Woah! That looks like a wild dog! And did it just grow two heads!?!

Orion: Sorta...Nikora spirits are capable of performing Cardinal Cloning, allowing the spirit to multiply into multiple entities, up to 32 in their normal form, 16 in their lesser battle form, which he's in now, and 4 for their greater battle form...Right now, he's about ready to sprout out two clones…

MG: Woah!...I'll never look at Nikora the same way! You actually look like Cerberus little guy!

Spot: *Bark!* *Bark!* (Translation) Yeah! But I'm real! And real Wild![Spot then proceeded to chew a large hole in the room wall, in a whirlwind similar to Taz.]

Orion: Whoops!...Sorry...He's a little TOO wild…

MG:[Picking up Spot] No!…He's wild enough! I'm making you our official mascot! The boys ‘ll be thrilled to meet you!

MMD:[To Victoria] I don't believe we've met...My name is Makarov Dreyar. I'm the master of the Fairy Tail guild.

VM:[Shakes Makarov’s hand] Ahhh...So your the leader of the guild Clay, his sisters and Griffin left us for...Don't worry! We get nearly half of what they earn every two months…

MMD:[Shocked] WHAT!?! That con artist! I agreed to pay him OVER half of our repair bills!

VM: So...He's still making a profit off you guys...That's Clayton for ya...Oh! My name is Victoria by the way, Victoria Marvell!

MMD: So! Your Tempestas! The Unstoppable Storm Mage...Am I wrong to assume you are also a Dragon Slayer?!

VM: No, you're right on the money...I'm also a Dragon Slayer...Unlike the Grimms though, I only had one...Perverted dragon...Teach me magic...But...The same as the Grimms, I was taught more than just Dragon Slayer Magic...My crazy flying lizard of a dragon went on a frenzy eating gods and demons alike...His name is Sutōmudoragon...A mouthful of a name I know...He's a storm dragon...And because there are so many factors put into storms, he managed to convince his brethren to expand upon his unique powers…Although, The Drakes of Storms and Earth isn't as catchy...So…

MMD:[Finishing her sentence] You two called yourselves The Drakes of HEAVEN and Earth…

VM: That's right!...

[Enter Griffin and the Grimm Twins.]

Griffin: Victoria! Guys! It's been a while since we've seen you!

Lya&Mya: Griffin![They hug their fellow feline friend]

Clairissa Suede: Hey, Vicki! Been a while!

VM: Same here!...So how come Clay isn't with you guys?

Teresa Grimm: Probably because you broke his heart...Speaking of hearts, Terrence!

Terrence Marvell:[Hugging Teresa] My love...I've missed every day we've been apart…

TG: Same here!

CS:[Looking around] Hey, where's Drake?

Inne Cognitto: Babysitting...We've picked up some young Dragon Slayers after you guys left…

Orion: Yeah...They've made the mistake of trying to rob Victoria...But instead of killing them, she's mentoring them…

Lya: Yes...They even have Exceed companions as well…

Mya: Yeah! And they're are age!...And not a dinosaur like you Griff!

Griff: Don't push me Mya...You of a exceeds should know what I'm capable of…

CS: So...We're here to help detail the rising Dark Guild activity?

VM: That's right...Well...Let's get to it...

Narrator:[Transition] Kunugi Station.

Civilians:[Worried] Some guy with a scythe and a bunch of his lackeys just took over the train! | I think I know who they are! They're those Dark Guild punks who have been hanging around town lately!

Clay(ton) Grimm: Looks like we don't have to worry about any civilians getting caught in the crossfire...A least for now…

Erza Scarlet: We can be that far behind...Clay! Let me drive...Looks like you need a break...

CG: Alright…

[The two wizards switch seats.]

Chico Hammitt: You know how to drive...Right!?!

ES:[Showing her license] Of course!

CG: Good!...Maybe I can recover some Magic…

[On the train.]


Kageyama:[Fearful look]

Erigor: Let me get this straight! You allowed a Fairy Tail fly to see the Lullaby flute, and then let him get away?! Is that true!?!

Kageyama: But it's not like he knows about our plans, sir! And even if he did, there's no way him and his stupid guild would be able to stop us! Right!?!


Erigor:[After impaling the wooden floor with his scythe] We can't afford to take any chances...Fortunately, we have a strategy in place…

Kageyama: Right! You mean the thing at Oshibana Station!

Erigor: We can't have flies buzzing around where they're not wanted...It will be up to you men to swat them away!

Eisenwald wizards: Yes sir!

[Back in TERRA.]

Gray Fullbuster: Slow down, Erza! You're gonna overload the SE-Plug!

TERRA: Impossible. Sir Grimm designed my SE-Plug to be unable to overload. As well as made my steering optimal.

ES: See, Gray! TERRA can handle it and so can the plug! Besides...There's no telling how many people can die if Lullaby”s song is played! I can't slow down, we have to stop Eisenwald before It's too late!

GF: But at this rate, your gonna use up all your magic before we even start fighting!

TERRA: Incorrect! Her approximate magic reserves are only 93.6%.

GF:[Frustrated] You're not helping, car!

Natsu Dragneel: Hey! Don't talk like that to TERRA! She could probably kick more butt than your Slushie Magic ever could!

TERRA: Thank you, Natsu! I regret not running him over now!

GF:[Angry] Say that again, car!

TERRA: For your information, I can eject your seat at any time I want...Remember that!...You naked refrigerator on legs!

ND: Wow! I officially like you more than I hate Gray!

Happy: Hmmm…

Lucy Heartfilia: What's wrong, Happy!?!

Hap: I'm trying to remember...I think it was something important I was supposed to tell you…

LH: What is it?

Hap:[Frustrated] I CAN'T REMEMBER!!!

LH: Don't beat yourself up over it...I'm sure if it was important, you'd remember...Though now that I think about it...That might be giving you more credit than you deserve…

Hap: Hey! I'm trying really hard, ya know!

ES: Clayton, look!

CG: Huh!?![Clay sees a column of black smoke coming from up ahead.]

Narrator:[Transition] Oshibana Station.

Train Staffmember: Please, stand back! The station is currently closed due to a train derailment!

Civilians: A derailment?! Are you serious!?! | Well I heard the station's been taken over by a group of thugs!

TS: We ask that you please stand back!

ES: Excuse me! What's going on!?!

TS: Why would I tell you, lady!?!

[Before Erza knocked the poor man out, Clay stopped her.]

CG:[Holding Erza back] Easy there Jethro…

ES: That's not my-

CG:[Cutting her off. Apologizing] Sorry about that! She's new![Points at everyone else.] They all are![Shows his I.D. as an honorary Rune Knight.] Clayton Grimm. Senior member of the SSF...Could you tell me what's the situation!?!

TS:[Recognizing the SSF] SSF!?! Wow! I'm glad you're here then! Okay, the station's been taken over by Dark Guild wizards...They've sent in a small army unit a while ago, but they've yet to return...I think we'd need backup before we have a chance to-

CG:[Cutting him off] I'm gonna stop you right there, Jim. I've been whipping these maggots into agents that can take care of this no problem! Leave this to us…[Gesturing to the others] Let's go ladies! Move it!

Transition: And then!

[The Fairy Tail wizards saw in horror the status of the army unit.]

CG: They've all been hurt...Really badly...Luck them, they all still have pulses and some breathing...Just goes to show you what the strength of one Dark Guild has against a bunch of simple soldiers…[Sensing Eisenwald up ahead.] We've got company up ahead…

Erigor:[Chuckles] Welcome! Step in to our parlor, Fairy Tail flies!

[The Eisenwald wizards outnumbered the Fairy Tail wizards.]

LH&CH: Woah! There are SO many of them!...

CG: Erigor, Erigor, Erigor...Hope you and your little pegs had your fun! Because it won't end the way you think it will…

Erigor: Oh! And why's that, fly!?!

CG:[Pulls back his hood] Because I know your plan! And I won't let it happen!

Erigor: Well...Seems like we have a dragonfly amongst the nats…And might I ask where the rest of your miserable guild is?!

CG: I see no harm in telling you...The other ten are already in Clover by now! Seems the council invited us to this conference…Sorry to rain on your parade...But I heard from some of your men what the plan is...So naturally, I told my guild I'd meet them at Clover later on...I have ears everywhere, remember?


Erigor: Enough, men!...We could use this to our advantage...Once this freak is disposed of, there's no one to warn any of the rest of SSF, AND the legal guild masters when we unleash Lullaby's song...The Oración Seis will be sure to reward us...

Kageyama:[Seeing Natsu] Hey! You!...It's your fault I got into trouble with Erigor!...

ND:[Remembering] That voice…

ES: We aren't threatened by any of you! How exactly do you expect to execute your plan!?!

Erigor: Oh!..So you haven't figured it ALL out…[He flies into the air, via Wind Magic. Laughing.] What do all train stations have in common!?!

LH: He flew!

Hap: It's Wind Magic!

Erigor:[Landing on an intercom speaker device]

CG: So...That's how…

CH: You plan to broadcast the Lullaby's song!?!

Erigor:[Laughing] Thousands of nosey onlookers are flocked to this station to get a glimpse of the action...Who knows...If I raise the volume enough, I may be able to extinguish the entire city with my melody of death!

ES: What reason do you have to commit such a heinous crime against the innocent people of this town!?!

Erigor: This is a cleansing of all the fools out there who fail to appreciate the rights they hold so dear...Who remain willfully ignorant to the plight of those who had their rights stripped away!...They've committed the sin of turning a blind eye to the world's injustice!...Therefore...THE REAPER HAS COME TO PUNISH THEM!!!


Fairy Tail: Right!

Kageyama: Oh! So you think you punks can stop us!?! I'll take the blondes out first![He uses his Shadow Magic to attempt to attack Lucy and Chico, but Natsu easily destroys his attack.]

Kageyama: You again?!

ND: Eisenwald dude! I know I recognized that voice!

Erigor:[Flying] I leave them to you! Show them the terror of the Dark Guild, Eisen-


[Erigor was knocked to the ground by a familiar unconscious assassin]

ES: Wait...Why does he look familiar…?

CH: Wait! That's the guy Clayton uppercutted into the sky back in Gednuyama!...WOW!...He just fell down?...Damn Clay! That was days ago!

Erigor:[Recovering] As I was saying...I leave them to you! Show the terror of the Dark Guild, Eisenwald![He vanishes]

LH&Hap:[Shocked] He disappeared!

ES: Natsu, Gray! Go after Erigor!

[They give one another glares.]


GF: You got it!

ND: Aye!

[They run off to stop Erigor.]

Eisenwald They ran off! They're going after Erigor!

Rayule: I've got it![He uses his Urumi to hoist himself up to the upper railing.] I, the great Rayule, Will take them down!

Kageyama: I'm coming with you..[He readies a spell to fade into a moving shadow on the ground.] That pink-haired dimwit is gonna pay![He fades into a shadow.]

CG: Awe! Looks like they left us the rest of you guys!...This'll be fun!

ES: Get ready to fight, Lucy!

LH: Wait! Are you two serious!?! They outnumber us, by a lot!

CH:[With the Seven D. besides her] They'll help even the odds…

Bartholomew: Yes ma'am! Seven Defenders! Attack formation!

[The Seven Defenders all took positions]

ES:[Requipping a Magic longsword] You ready Clay!?!

CG:[Grabbing the fangs from his necklace and plunging the round-ends into the ground below, using his Forge Magic to create blades from the end of unbreakable steel.] Oh, I'M ready![Pulls his hood down.]

Eisenwald wizards: We got our own magic swords too you wimps![A wave of Dark wizards, armed with magic swords charged at Erza and Clay, but being far superior swordsmen, they easily defeat them all, Erza shattering their steel, while Clay sliced straight through their steel, then eating the broken fragments that fell.]

LH: Woah! They beat them all like it was nothing!...

CG:[Disgusted] This steel is SO terrible!..*Chews*...Are there no decent blacksmiths in Fiore!?!

ES: There are...My armor is made by a blacksmith I know well…

CG:[Sniffs her armor] Well...It's definitely better than all the other crap I've encountered in Fiore...He must use Orichalcum filings...But I know I could make it better!...How about when this is all over, I make you a couple suits of armor!?!...My treat!

ES: Hmmm...I'll have to take you up on that offer then...But for now...Let's finish the rest!

CG: Right!

[Erza changes her sword into a spear, while Clay Reforges his swords into maces.]

LH: Woah! They changed their swords into a spear and maces!

[The wizards easily knock down more of their enemies with their better weapons and skills. Erza then changed her spear back into two swords, while Clay Reforged his maces into war axes, all within a quick glance, knocking down more foes.]

Karacka: She turned them into swords again!?! And he keeps changing the weapons from the hilts themselves!

EW: I don't have a damn clue what the guy is doing, but I know I've never seen anyone Requip as fast as this chick!

LH: Requip!?! What's that!?!

Hap: Magic weaponry isn't that much different from your celestial magic, Lucy! The user can summon different weapons they keep stored in a different dimension! And when the user switches between weapons, it's called ”Requipping”

LH: Woah! So, what's Clay doing!?!

Hap:[Telepathically connected to Clay] He's telling me It's completely different from Erza's magic, and a bit more similar to Gray's...Clay's Forge Magic can change the subatomic structure of just about any matter he comes in contact with! By using those large, unbreakable Freesian Lion's fangs he usually has on his necklace as weapon hilts, he can turn them into virtually any weapon, or anything he can think of! And unlike Gray's magic, Forge Magic can be permanent, as well as made to be indestructible! And when he changes the weapons, all he's really doing is rearranging the structure of his weapons and making them adamant again! Wow! That's super cool!

LH: Woah! That's awesome!

Hap: You ain't seen nothing yet, Erza and Clay are only getting warmed up!

EW: Erza!?!

Karacka: Clay!?!

CH:[Knocking out three wizards] Don't forget about me! Soul Wave![A lineup of souls crashed against a group of Dark Wizards, knocking them out]

LH: it's time for me to kick butt too![Grabbing her gate keys.]

Hap:[Disappointed] Why do you have to go and steal the spotlight from them!

LH: Open! Gate of the Giant Crab! Cancer!

Cancer: You need me to fight these dudes, baby!?!

LH: Yeah! Take 'em out with style!

Eisenwald wizards: I've never seen such a stupid hair cut! You look like an idiot!

CG:[Knowing their mistake, he stops to watch Cancer fight] OOOH!!! This is gonna be good!

Eisenwald wizards: Quickly! He's distracted! Get him!

[Several wizards tried to beat up Clay with no avail, due to his ungodly threshold for damage resistance, being an Earth Dragon Slayer, their attacks are barely noticable.]

Cancer: Boom, baby![He snipped the fools bald and empty-handed.]

EW: My weapon! What happened to my hair?! We're all…

LH:[Finishing] Bald!?

[Clay created a large weight with Lucy's last word on it to crush the bald men.]

ES: That was impressive!...

LH: Oh!...Thanks!...But it was no big deal…Alright! I totally scored points with her!

CH&Hap: That's what you were going for!?!

ES: However...This crab spirit of yours...The way he calls you “Baby”...I find it rather insulting…

LH:[Disappointed] Points unscored…

Cancer: Woah!...Um...Ma'am!

CG: Way to go, Lucy and Cancer![He turned his weapons into a short-fused bomb, scaring the wizards attacking him, but detonating before they could flee, knocking them all out, and leaving Clay covered in soot, but mostly unharmed, only getting a small afro from it.] I still see your using those scissors my dad made for you!

Cancer: Your dad!?! I think your mistaken, baby! The only kid I know that was Brick's is…[Gets a better look at Clay.] Lil’ Clay Clay!?!

CG: Yep!

Cancer:[Doing a secret handshake with Clay] I can't believe it! Your all grown up! And you wear Brick's coat like it was made for you...He'd...He'd be proud, baby!

CG:[Holding back tears] Thanks man!...I never could find a barber that could even come close to your talent! You mind giving me a cut when this is all over!?!

Cancer: Sure thing, baby!

CH:[Teasing] Lil’ Clay Clay…?

ES: Clayton! Chico! Focus!...There are still so many!...

CH: Thought we took care of most of them…

ES: Annoying…

CG: But nothing we can't handle!...

[Erza begins Requipping her armor. While she's doing that, Clay Reforges a suit of armor he created once before, Throwing his coat towards Lucy, to give her better protection.]

EW: Woah! Her armor's disappearing! | Put your clothes back on, buddy!

Hap: You see...Most mages can only change weapons fast enough...But Erza is able to change her armor fast enough to be used in battle...That's why her magic is special...It's called...The Knight!...Huh!?![Getting information from Clay.] You can Reforge armor too!?!

[As Erza was changing her armor, Clay was reforging a mass of molten metal, making up the sentient armor, or Symbiegis, to shroud him in it. Much like the symbiotes of the Marvel Universe do, but the symbiegis are solely meant to lookout for their wearers. When the molten symbiegis finished covering him, it made him look like a bronze archangel, covering him from head to toe.]

CG: Oh, yeah! It's good to have you back, Bronzeberserker!

Bronzeberserker: It's SO good to be back! And you got me bozos to beat up?! You shouldn't have!...

ES&CH: Woah!...Your arrmor talks!?!

BB: Sure do! And not only can I talk, but I can protect every part of him, increase his strength, his speed and agility, AND…[The symbiegis separated itself from Clay, fighting autonomously.]

CG:[Fighting alongside Bronzeberserker] He can double as my blind-spotter![He was covered by Bronzeberserker again. Giving his weapons to the symbiegis to use with it's own limbs, acting autonomously with the weapons as Clay charged into the Eisenwald wizards with Earth Dragon: Tectonic Arms, ready to punch them into next week.]

BB: I can also use any weapon I get my appendages on![Knocking more Eisenwald wizards to the ground.] Or…[He altered his sentient metal, creating two chain maces from his metal body, smashing the weighted spheres of bronze against the Dark Wizards’ flesh.] I can be my own weapons, AND armor![He sees Erza in her Heaven's Wheel Armor. Attracted to the inanimate suit of armor.] Well HELLO THERE gorgeous![He separates from Clay, approaching Erza.] Where have you been all my life!?

ES: I'm sorry, but I don't date armo-

BB:[Cutting her off] Not you, red...The drop-dead beautiful armor you're wearing!...Does this, Angel from above, have a name?!

ES: This is my Heaven's Wheel Armor!...Let me show YOU what it can do...Now! Dance my swords![A ring formation of swords spun around her.]

Karacka: No...Can this woman be!?...

ES: Circle Swords![The sword then rushed towards the enemy wizards with blinding speeds, knocking several out.]

LH: Woah!...She took most of them out with a single swipe!

Hap: Aye!

Byard: Alright! Your dealing with me-[Bronzeberserker grabbed the cocky wizard in midair.] Now!?!

BB: I believe this punk wants to attack you!...Would you like to do the honors!?!

ES: Well...An armor with a warriors spirit, and a gentleman's manners...Yes, I'd love the honors![Erza slashed at the foolish wizard, knocking him out cold.]

[Just then, a group of Maic Gun wielding wizards surrounded them from the upper level]

EW: Alright! We have you surrounded! Give up or this'll be a massacr-

7D: Contact![The 7 of them quickly gunned them down with a synchronized moment, knocking them all down to their level, K.O'd] Reload![They covered each other as they reloaded]

CH: Nice work you guys!

Karacka: No way! I know who you are! Your Titania! Queen of the Fairies!...And this guy must be Nidhogg! The Living Armorer![He runs off.] I'm outta here!

ES:[Requipping to her usual armor]

BB: Guess my work here's all done![He returns to once he came.]

LH:[Awestruck] Whoa, man! I think I'm in love!

Hap:[Trying to remember again] Was that it?!...No…

CG: Knowing a punk like him, he'll be looking for Erigor…

ES:[To Lucy and Chico] You should follow him!

CH: Got it! Let's go men!

7D: Yes commander!

[They chase after them]

LH: Who!?! ME!?!

ES&CG:[Serious] Just do it!

LH:[Scared] What ever you two say![Running after him.] I don't wanna make either of you angry!...

[While Lucy was gone, the two elder wizards stumbled to stay up.]

ES: I think Gray was right...I may have overdone it on TERRA…

CG: Yeah...Wizards are meant to use our magic in spells, not as fuel for a vehicle...You really do fight like a queen, by the way…

ES: Thanks...Never seen another wizard out there wield a weapon as well as you have, either…

CG: The Valkyries taught me how to fight for the most part...But I learned some of it from my dad…

ES: I'm sure if your parents could see you now, they'd be proud…

CG:[Touching his talisman] I think so too...Now…Earth Priest: Nature's Nectar![Two giant flowers bloomed, dripping with nectar. He sprinkled in some powder into both, making them both taste like Erza's previous request.] Care for a drink!?!...[Forging two goblets.] My treat!

ES:[Grabbing a goblet] I've missed this nectar of yours…[She takes a goblet-full and chugs it down.]

[They both drank the nectar, increasing their recovery.]
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