Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

The Drakes of Heaven and Earth.

Chico C Hammitt:[Afraid to look back] Did it work?

Clay(ton) Grimm:[Looking to see Chico's souls still in place] Yeah! They're still here! We did it!

CCH:[Turning around] Really!?![Seeing her souls still there. Speachless] I...I can't believe it...It worked...It REALLY worked…[Running further away from Magnolia. Joyful] I'm free! FREE! Wooohooo!

CG:[Looking to see Chico's souls still in place] Uhhh...Chico?...Something's wrong...Your souls aren't following you…

CCH:[Looking back] Huh!?[She sees he's right. Her souls didn't budge at all. Upset] Great! Just great! Don't you see it now!? It didn't work! No...Of course ot didn't work...I'm an idiot!...Thinking I can leave this stupid town AND be a wizard…[She sat on the ground, her knees to her chest, arms around her legs. Sulking]

CG: Hang on! If it REALLY didn't work your souls should be scattered into Magnolia!...[Thinking] We must be missing something…*Ding!* I've got it![He uses his Lacrima Magic* to create a small, prism-shaped Soul Lacrima(Basically a lacrima used to keep souls in) out of Magnolia. He then made it into a necklace. Ordering the souls] Hey! All of you! In here![They obeyed. Filing in and phasing into the lacrima.] Here![Tosses it to Chico] Put this on!

CCH:[Putting it on] Okay…[After she put it on her souls emerged from the lacrima, flying around her. Speachless again] It...It's working! Wooohooo!

CG:[Walking over to her side] Only one way to find out for sure…[He used his Magic to create some rock dummies a few meters away from them.] Care to show me your magic?

CCH:[Stoked] Hell yeah!...Souls! Attack!

[Following her command the souls charged at the dummies with blinding speed, turning them to dust with their tackles]

CG:[Impressed] Nice one!...[Creating some more. Each one getting progressively tougher and harder] How 'bout some more!?

CCH: You heard him! Attack!

[The souls again blasted through the dummies with ease.]

CCH&CG:[Cheering] Wooohooo! Nice one!

CCH:[Asking Clayton] How'd you figure out the problem?

CG:[Explaining] It's actually quite simple really...See, we've bypassed you getting out of Magnolia and still keeping your souls, but we've neglected to realize that your souls are bound to Magnolia...So...All I did was make a Soul Lacrima out of Magnolia...Now your souls can go where you go! Matter of fact, you should now be able to collect souls all over the world with no problem...It's technically holder magic...But all the collected souls should still follow your command...

CCH:[Amazed] Wow!...Wait?...You made a lacrima?

CG: Yep! It's another type of magic Abraham Grimm developed...I can crystallize virtually any type of magic...Problem is...It takes a hell of a lot of focus and magic…

CCH: Amazing!...Wait! You know what we should do!? Go out on a job ! A REAL job! One outside of Magnolia! Let's head back to Fairy Tail and take a job! Maybe grab some more souls on the way back!

CG:[Holding the lacrima in his hand. Agreeing] Sounds like a plan...But first[He inscribed an Magic Engraving* onto the necklace] Mind showing me your chest?


[Chico smacked Clay across the face, not realizing it wouldn't hurt him, even a little bit. It only left her hand red and sore]

CCH:[In pain] Owww!

CG:[Confused] Ummm...Was there a reason for smacking me?

CG:[Angry] Like you don't know, you pervert!

CG:[Still confused] Huh!? Pervert?!

CCH:[Quoting Clayton] “Mind showing me your chest?”

CG:[Realizing the misunderstanding] Ooooh...It's not for what you think!...I'm not like Loke or the rest of the men at Fairy Tail...I just wanted to put a Reappear Engraving around your collar...That way you can't lose this necklace...Guess I should have said that from the get-go…

CCH: Yeah...You should have…

[She undid her jacket enough for Clay to his work]

CG:[Finishing up] Now…Throw it as far as you can!

[Chico does so, chucking it far off into the distance. With a flash of magic, it disappeared and reappeared around Chico's neck.]

CCH:[Amazed] It worked!

CG: NOW let's head back to Fairy Tail!

[And so they did, collecting souls along the way]

CG: Hey everyone! We're back!

CCH: And it worked! I can use my magic outside of Magnolia!

Master Makarov Dreyar: But that impossible!

CG: *Chuckles* There's words we Grimms live by…”With Magic, everything is possible!”

Elfman Strauss: Wow! Those are such powerful words! So manly!

CCH: Thanks to Clayton, I can actually use my magic outside of Magnolia…

Mirajane Strauss:[Happy] Awe! Don't you two work well together! How cute!

CG&CCH: Yeah...We sure---Wait!...What'd you say?

MS: You two look good together! Like a cute couple!

[Cana spits out her beer in shock]

Fairy Tail:[Staring at Cana]

Wakaba Mine: Everything alright Cana?

Cana Alberona:[Coming up with an excuse on the fly] Uhhh...Yeah!...Just...Forgot my cards at home!

Loke:[Moving in on Cana] Then please...Allow me to escort you back to your home…

CG:[Snarky] Nice pick-up line...Did Makarov's grandpa tell you that?

Fairy Tail:[Dying of laughter]

MMD:[Laughing] Even my gramps wouldn't have used a crappy line like that!

Fairy Tail:[Laughing even harder]

Loke:[Feeling lame. He leaves the guild]

Laki Olietta: Come on Cana...I'll help you out…

CA:[Greatful] Thanks Laki…

[They head off]

Fairy Tail:[Still Laughing]

CCH&CG:[Laughing, then remembering Mirajane's comment.] Wait…[Shocked] Couple?!

MS: Yeah! You both can use souls to fight! You'd be just as cute as if Alzack and Bisca become a couple!

[Alzack and Bisca both blush, avoiding eye contact]

CCH: By that leap in logic, me with Bickslow or Nab would make a “cute couple”...

Nab Lasaro:[Offended] Hey! What's wrong with me?!

CCH:[Snapping back] What's wrong with you is that even I take more jobs than you! And I only recently was able to use my Magic outside of Magnolia…

NL:[Dead silent]

MS:[Thinking] Well...You both like wearing cat stuff!

CG:[Offended. Pulling his hood on] It's a lion! NOT A CAT!

MS:[Thinking Well...Oh! Your both black!

[Dead silence consumed the guild hall]


[After a moment of silence, Macao and Romeo walked in from having lunch after Romeo's practice.]

Romeo Conbolt: Why's there so much tension in the air?!

Macao Conbolt: Yeah...You can cut it with a knife…

WM: Macao...Do yourself a favor and cover your kid's ears…

MC:[Confused] Why?

[Master Makarov covered Romeo's ears]

MMD: Mira just made a...Racially charged comment…

MC:[Dumbfounded] Oh….Shit!

ES:[Ridiculing] MIRA!?! WHAT THE HELL!?!

MS: What?


MS:[Confused] Why!? I'm black!...At least partially…I mean Elfman's black, and he's my brother!

CG: I swear...If Natsu ever says “Nigga” or “Nigger” I'll put that pink haired idiot in a casket…

ES&CCH: Same here…

MS:[Realising her mistake] Oooh...So can I say it?


MS: Okay...I just thought you two look cute together...Ooo! Even your names together sound cute!...Clayco!...Or, Chiton!
NinjaHound13: Go with Clayco...


CG: Anyways...Let's just take a quest…

MS: Actually Clay…[She pulls out a job request, specifying for Clay] Someone came in wanting to give this to you![She hands it over to Clay]

CG:[Reading it] Hey! It's from Rocco!

CCH:[Inquiring] Who's that?

CG: An old prospector...Knows the geological composure of Ishgar like the back of his hand…[Reading] Need Nidhogg to sniff out...In a large cave system...Veins of...😰

CCH: Clayton?[He's as stiff as a board] HELLO!...[Snatches the request. Skimming through it] Vains of...Orichalcum…

Levy McGarden:[Shocked] Orichalcum?!

Jet: Everything alright Levy?

Droy: Yeah…Your freezing up like Clay…

MMD: With good reason...My father Yuri wasn't always a wizard...He was a treasure hunter...Although we didn't get a chance to talk, I read from his old treasure guild book that Orichalcum is perhaps the rarest and most sought after material in the world...All legendary arms, armors and armaments are created with using only trace amounts of it...The higher the Orichalcum, the more powerful the gear...In fact, all of Erza's weapons and armors probably have at most just under a kilo of Orichalcum in them combined…

Fairy Tail:[Shocked]

CCH:[Reading the reward] This...This can't be right...10 Billion jewels for a cubic meter of it refined!?!

Fairy Tail:[Utterly shocked] SIGN ME UP!

MMD: Enough!...This request specifies Clayton alone...He should decide who can tag along…

Fairy Tail:[Pleading with Clay to allow them to join]


1*: Lacrima Magic: Magic used to solidify and crystallize Magic and other types of Magic. Extremely difficult and Magic consuming. Most Lacrima's are mass produced in slow batches, being very time consuming, but the Grimm's know not only how to do it quicker, but can create almost any type of lacrima they've come in contact with.( Does NOT work with creating Dragon Lacrimas)

2*: Magic Engraving: More advanced variant of Magic Enchantments. As hard to break apart as it is to create. Very complex.
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