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The Door

Bradley decides to climb up the rock wall. At least he'll be closer to the top and maybe a way out.

He wipes the sweat from his palms and begins his ascent up the wall, every once in a while feeling the rock begin to crumble under his grasping fingers.

As sweat starts to bead on his forehead and drip into his eyes he starts to feel extremely tired and without hope of every reaching the opening. His arms are shaky and his legs weak from the exertion of climbing.

He looks up and sees, with much relief, that the opening is just above his head. He reaches up and begins to pull himself inside. He manages to scramble over the threshold and lies on the cold, stone floor to regain his strength.

"I wasn't sure you could make that climb, Bradley." he hears a voice comment from the dark recesses.

The owner of the voice comes forward.

"You have come further than I anticipated, Bradley. Not much longer and you'll know what fate has in store for you. Now, up on your feet. Someone has been waiting for you."

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