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MLP FIM: Fledgling Emporium

Rarity lay upon a giant changing table, and was using her magic to remove a diaper that clearly been used as was evidenced by the foul smell and the brown stain.

"Spike!" Rarity screamed again "You weren't supposed to see me like this!"

"Sorry," Spike apologized "I probably should've knocked. Want a claw changing?"

"Thank you, my dear Spikey Wikey, but I am perfectly capable of changing myself," Rarity insisted "Now, if you would please turn your head so that I may have some privacy, that would be nice."

Not one to disobey Rarity, Spike did as he was told.

Rarity hummed to herself, as she fully untaped her diaper with her magic, dropping it into a nearby trash can. She then used her magic to pick up the wipes and foal powder, proceeding to wipe herself clean thoroughly, and apply a great deal of sweet smelling foal powder to her nether regions.

"Sweet Celestia, Rarity," Spike exclaimed "What did you eat?"

"I don't know," Rarity replied, as she used her magic to pick up the trash "Now, I just need to find someplace where I can dispose of this dirty diaper without anypony seeing me."

Then Spike spoke up "Maybe you should try
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